
El tratamiento de enfermedad renal poliquística: How Long Can I Live without Dialysis

El tratamiento de enfermedad renal poliquística: How Long Can I Live without DialysisOne of my patients asked me “how long can i live if i don’t access to dialysis ?” for the first time she met me. I didn’t give her the answer in that time, i just said “don’t worry about that you will be ok ”. She was a PKD patient with creatinine 6.9 and now she can look after herself totally.

As for how long can she live without dialysis, i can not give her the exact answer, the only thing i can assure is she can live better and longer with the help of our unique therapy. You want to know what is the unique therapy ? Next, let’s have a look together.

After years of research and clinical experience, our experts invented Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which is a new hope for PKD patient. It not only can inhibit the growth of cyst but also can shrink the size of it. With the help of it, patient can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. You want to know how it works ? Now i explain it to you. It is a kind of unique Chinese medicine external application treatment, applying the herbal bags with Chinese medicine active material on the patient’s back, paralleling his kidney, shen shu acupoint, herbs molecule by the vibrating of a treatment machine, permeating through human body from skin, cell space and tissue space and rete sequentially, finally getting into kidneys to improve kidneys’ micro-circulation and restore the damaged kidney function effectively.

Now you know why it can help PKD patients with creatinine 6.9 live longer and better without dialysis ? But for different patients have different conditions, so we can not tell you the exact answer of how long can patients live.

