
el tratamiento de renal insuficiencia: Do You Get the Best Treatment

el tratamiento de renal insuficiencia: Do You Get the Best TreatmentEdema in Kidney Failure: Do You Get the Best TreatmentKidney failure, or renal failure, means kidneys have been damaged severely in patients, and they may have some severe symptoms and complications with the low kidney function. Some kidney failure patients may complain about the edema in body, then do you get the best treatment with edema in kidney failure?

Edema refers to the fluid-retention in body, which is a common symptom in kidney failure, and the edema in kidney failure can be caused by two factors.
1. Healthy kidneys have the function of removing excess fluid out into urine. When the kidneys cant work well in kidney failure, it can cause the fluid retention in body.

2. When the kidneys are damaged in kidney failure, it can also cause the leakage out of protein in urine, then it will cause the lack of protein in blood. And the fluid will flow into body tissues, so it will cause the swelling in body as well.

Then what are the best treatment for edema in kidney failure?
1. Limit the fluid intake
For kidney failure patients with edema, they need to limit the fluid intake, which can help prevent the fluid-retention in body. Besides, patients also need to limit the salt intake, because the fluid-sodium retention in body will worsen the edema and cause further damage to kidneys.

2. Repair kidney damage
Since edema is mainly caused by low kidney function in kidney failure, so patients need to take effective treatment to repair kidney damage and improve the kidney function. So the treatment which can repair the kidney damage should be the best treatment for kidney failure patients.

Here we suggest the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital China, the osmotherapy is an external and herbal based treatment, which is more natural and cause no side effects to patients. The effective substances in osmotherapy can help expand blood vessels and improve the blood circulation, then it can help remove toxins and wastes out and bring more nutrition and oxygen to kidneys, which can help repair damaged kidney tissues and improve their kidney function. Once the kidney function is improved, it can help remove the fluid out and relieve the edema from root.

